The H2Oxide™ Advantage

Water contains minerals that form scale. Scale decreases efficiency and longevity of pipes, appliances, and fixtures. Bacteria is harbored in scale and biofilm. By releasing existing scale, Oxcide™ both prevents and removes existing water problems. We investigated how exactly it removes scale and how and exactly the chemical compounds were used there. About our research, you can write a persuasive essay for me and for our blog.


Before   After    


Tests show properly treated water with Oxcide™ destroys all waterborne pathogens including: E. coli, Salmonella, Listeria, Legionella, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, etc.


Normal scale forms a hard, insoluble, and interlocking network which plugs plumbing, traps biofilm, interferes with heat transfer and damages equipment. Oxcide™ changes the chemical structure of scale and dissolves Calcium and Magnesium salts.


Oxcide™ alters the shape of Calcium and Magnesium salt crystals to small, evenly shaped, rounded powder that won't adhere to metallic or PVC surfaces and is easily washed away.

Oxcide™ in Hospitals

Oxcide™ use in hospital water has shown a correlation between scale deposits and bacteria. Elimination of pathogens, including Legionella-pneumophilia, required the removal of scale deposits. Oxcide™ treated water eliminated scale and scale harbored bacteria in hospital faucets, showerheads, kitchen equipment, cooling towers, chillers and other equipment.


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